Metalystic Love Knot

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Platinum Black
Platinum Gold
Platinum Silver
Rose Gold

Don't forget these...

The most hyper-specific friendship bracelets available. Each color is an ode to the best parts of any kind of connection, and it’s cool enough to wear even if you don’t have any friends.

The “I’d Help You Move a Sofa” Expandable Bracelet

For the friend that always has your back, from moving day to moving on. Whether  “heavy lifting” is about furniture or the times it’s not. But you’ll never see them make a big deal about it. They navigate all life’s sharp and awkward angles, and somehow you always kick your feet up together at the end. Cheers, besties.

  • Your jewelry loves attention but hates grime. A simple wipe down with a soft cloth does wonders for the dirt and oil that happens to the best of us.
  • Need a deep clean? Mix gentle soap and warm water. Notice the word “gentle” — don’t go rogue with aggressive cleaners. Give your piece a bath, then pat it dry.
  • Avoid perfume, hairspray, and lotions on your jewelry.
  • Remove before swimming, bathing, or deep cleaning your house to the best of the 90s playlist. 
  • Store in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing it.

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